Azure Cicd Pipeline For Springboot

2 minute read

How to set up Azure-CICD-pipeline for SpringBoot Project

Prerequisites :

  • Microsoft Azure DevOps credentials
  • SpringBoot project with maven build
  • any VM or local machine (linux used here for thsi demo)

Steps :

  1. Go to your DevOps Organization -> agent pool -> create new agent based on your VM or local machine OS Screenshot from 2024-02-20 19-13-27 Screenshot from 2024-02-20 19-13-02

  2. Configure and run it using ./ and ./

admin@admin:/myagent$ cd ..
admin@admin:/$ sudo chmod o+w /myagent
admin@admin:/$ cd myagent/
admin@admin:/myagent$ ./ 

  ___                      ______ _            _ _
 / _ \                     | ___ (_)          | (_)
/ /_\ \_____   _ _ __ ___  | |_/ /_ _ __   ___| |_ _ __   ___  ___
|  _  |_  / | | | '__/ _ \ |  __/| | '_ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
| | | |/ /| |_| | | |  __/ | |   | | |_) |  __/ | | | | |  __/\__ \
\_| |_/___|\__,_|_|  \___| \_|   |_| .__/ \___|_|_|_| |_|\___||___/
                                   | |
        agent v3.234.0             |_|          (commit 21ca259)

>> End User License Agreements:

Building sources from a TFVC repository requires accepting the Team Explorer Everywhere End User License Agreement. This step is not required for building sources from Git repositories.

A copy of the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement can be found at:

Enter (Y/N) Accept the Team Explorer Everywhere license agreement now? (press enter for N) > 

>> Connect:

Enter server URL >
Enter authentication type (press enter for PAT) > PAT
Enter personal access token > ****************************************************
Connecting to server ...

>> Register Agent:

Enter agent pool (press enter for default) > 
Enter agent name (press enter for admin) > zermatt
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
Successfully added the agent
Testing agent connection.
Enter work folder (press enter for _work) > 
2024-02-20 17:05:45Z: Settings Saved.
admin@admin:/myagent$ ./
Scanning for tool capabilities.
Connecting to the server.
2024-02-20 17:06:50Z: Listening for Jobs
Error reported in diagnostic logs. Please examine the log for more details.
    - /myagent/_diag/Agent_20240220-170644-utc.log
2024-02-20 17:59:09Z: Agent connect error: The HTTP request timed out after 00:01:00.. Retrying until reconnected.
2024-02-20 18:00:45Z: Agent reconnected. 

Screenshot from 2024-02-20 19-26-46

  1. Once agent starts, you will see running status in your agent pool -> agent section
  2. Create Project for CICD pipleline under your organization
  3. Now its time to connect code repository . If you are using Github, bitbucket etc Azure give you proviion to link your account in DevOps platform. Go to pipeline section -> Repository -> click on Github -> Authentiacte and select repository.
  4. On Github , you can create simple SpringBoot project with maven support and add azure-pipeline.yaml file to execute the CICD pipeline
